The Process

Our process is a long and arduous one. We pour ourselves in it so as to offer the highest quality products tailored for exceptional individuals. For simplicity reasons, we tend to split it in three crucial phases:
The Design, The Search and The Craft.

The Design

Each one of our garments is a piece of art.
We start by letting our imagination roam free, gathering: thoughts, ideas, fears, ambitions, assumptions... After that, we make bridges between those heterogeneous elements. We draw parallels, we draw junctions. We then ask ourselves: How would a garment express those elements and the bridges connecting them? We continue the process by designing how the garment will be impacted by its environment:
How will it behave when the Bridge wearing it will be walking?
Does the effect while walking reflect the emotion of fear we want the Bridge to be able to strike?
How will it behave when the Bridge wearing will be sitting?
Does the effect while sitting reflect the regalness the piece fabric is inspired from?
How will it behave when the Bridge wearing will be hit by the wind?
Does the motion give a glimpse on the heroism of the Bridge wearing it?
Once those decisions are made, we are able to draw what the garment will look like.
We often refer to this phase as the Brain Phase.

The Search

The Design happens everywhere: under the shower, during walks, during jogs, online, etc…
The Search on the other hand, must happen on markets. Sometimes digital, most often physical.
We search for the elements needed to realise our exact Design. Most often we search for the perfect fabric, with the desired thickness, desired weight, desired texture…
This search is never-ending and lead us to faraway places across the world.
Paris, France; Accra, Ghana; Milano, Italy; Yaounde, Cameroon…
This is an extremely time-consuming phase that requires extensive travelling, testing, disappointment, determination, and laser-sharp focus on the result of the Design phase. 
We often refer to this phase as the Legs Phase.

The Craft

This is the final and most crucial phase of the process: creating the piece from the components that will constitute it.
This is an iterative endeavour, we can indeed try ten (10) versions of a single piece before validating it and calling it art.
As we believe in fashioning unique garments for exceptional individuals, we believe in having exceptional hands sewing together the fibers of those garments.
We consider our seamstresses Bridges and hence pride ourselves in their expertise, their success and their happiness. To enable the materialization of our designs, we provide to talented professionals a quality, ergonomic environment to let their genius express itself.
We often refer to this phase as the Hands Phase.

The same way we pride ourselves in the achievements of our Bridges, we pride ourselves in our art pieces and in the process behind them.